Particulates inside the containers can compromise the users’ health as well as the producer’s reputation. Cardboard, plastic, glass fragments, hair, insects and dust are few of the unwanted bodies that can enter
the containers prior the filling. WAB‘s air and liquid rinsers perform an internal and external cleaning on the containers, with high removal performances.








Air rinsing process removes unwanted particles such as paper, plastic, insects and hairs from containers in a dry environment.

The addition of vacuum process guarantees higher hygienic features: the removed particles are carried out of the machine through a dedicated manifold and collected into an inspectionable basin, so that the customer can keep track of plant’s potential contamination risks.

Thanks to the special anti-clogging suction cup, the patented system for a constant flow detection (F.D.S) and automatic disclosure or rejection of unproperly treated bottles, WAB‘s air rinsers are reliable and effective.



To further improve the removing performances, ionizing devices can be installed in order to lower the electrostatic charge that helps
particles stick to the container’s surface.

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Ionizing bar

Anti-clogging suction cup

Patented system for a costant flow detection (F.D.S.)

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Anti-clogging suction cup holding the injection nozzle

Individual ionizers installed right before the injection nozzle, to obtain the best performances

Patented system for a costant flow detection (F.D.S.)

Individual ionizing nozzles are installed installed on each head, an antistatic bar can be installed on conveyor at the machine entry,
and an ionizing blower can be installed inside the machine’s enclosure.

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Vacuum unit, with inspectionable collecting basin and heels for easy moving and placing. Fully Stainless steel structure or painted Steel + SS collecting basin

Air filtration

PLC & HMI 21 CFR part 11 compliance available




Water rinsers have a strong mechanical cleaning action, both on the inside and on the outside of the containers.

WAB‘s high flow-rate nozzles allow to clean big and handled containers eavenly, while the medium and the low flow-rate nozzles can be used on smaller containers to obtain great cleaning performances with no liquid over-consumption.

Thanks to the available optionals – such as recirculating tanks, filtering systems, heating systems and separated
collecting trays – different water treatments (recirculated, warmed-up, sterile, steam) can be combined on the
same machine
, obtaining the best cleaning performances, according to customer’s needs.

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Patented system for a costant flow detection (F.D.S.)



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Treatment tunnel for water collection




When the container is rinsed with filling product, it is important to keep the environment and the outside of the bottle dry, as much as it is important to collect all the rinsing product to filter it and recirculate it.

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Drop suction device:
One suction circuit on each head, ending with a tube close to the container's mouth. The system removes the dripping fluid during container inversion at the end of the rinsing process, to keep the outside of the container clean and dry

TC - total collecting cups for product collection and recirculation

WAB‘s «no bottle – no spray»
system and «total collecting»
system are the best optionals
to do so.




WAB‘s big attention to each
customer needs translates
in major customizations.

One machine, two working modes:

  1. Air rinsing + vacuum

2. External water rinse + internal recirculated

water rinse + internal sterile

water rinse + internal air blow + external air blow

Whenever water residual inside the container is a concern, an additional air rinser can be added to the process,
forming a unique system. A dedicated internal air rinse process reduces the water residuals by 6 times.

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Hygienic enclusure features: sloped base, sealed doors

21 CFR part 11 compliance

Standard enclosure

preparation unit for the rinsing fluids